May 1, 2020

Dates Location Contact
Futures Camp July 17-19

Goalie Camp July 21-22

Main Camp July 23-25

Development Camp

July 31st-August 2nd

Chippewa Falls, WI

Chippewa Falls, WI

Chippewa Falls, WI

West Dundee, IL

Carter Foguth- Head Coach



1. Fill out the camp sign up form below.
2. Pay for Camp. Registration not complete until payment is received in full.
3. Fill out required camp forms below and submit to

USA Hockey Waiver of Liability (All participants must complete)

Consent To Treat Form (All participants must complete)

International Tryout Notice (International players only)

USAH-Hockey Canada Tryout Notice (Canadian players only)

**All Payments for Camps are non-refundable.

Camp Sign-Up Form